Category: writing

  • On an Unplanned Hiatus and a Chance to Win!

    Well, August was a preeetty quiet month here on the old bloggy-blog. I wasn’t planning to take the month off, but you know that old saying, “We plan and God laughs?” Yeah, it was like that. I’ll spare you the specifics, but let’s just say that car repairs, olympic-themed birthday…

  • On Being Sidelined

    About a month ago, I developed a mysterious foot injury. I went for a 5 mile run, and was feeling good. But that evening, the outside bottom of my foot near the heel was aching. I had no idea what had happened, but it hurt. I gave it a little…

  • On the whataboutmeeeees!

    About a year ago, my wonderfully crafty sister, Jill, made us this awesome “Family Rules” board. She laid down the strips of paper and stenciled in the top, leaving the rest of it blank for Rob and me to fill in with a few pithy gems. It was quite a…

  • On Tuesday: Publishing is a Marathon

    The first marathon my husband Rob ran was the Rock ‘N Roll Marathon in gorgeous San Diego, CA. The kids and I had a strategic plan to see him in a couple of different places on the course: at mile 6, mile 12, and mile 24. We had also placed…

  • On Tuesday: Do you add cars to the pile-up?

    I think we all have an innate sense of what makes a good story. I’ll take likable characters with interesting problems, and don’t forget the side of romance, tragedy, maybe a car chase or two, and an extra scoop of twisty turny surprise, please! The story of the sinking of…