Category: picture books

  • On Playing Catch-Up

    Oh my goodness, can we all agree that it’s been a whirlwind of a summer? I always go into summer thinking it will be so nice and relaxing. I picture myself sitting out by the pool sipping tall, icy beverages, reading and writing the day away, while the children frolic…

  • On Otto Grows Down

    Sibling relationships can be tricky. The wonder and comfort of a shared history is powerful…and yet…no one can push our buttons or get our blood boiling like a sibling. I witness the magic and the mayhem on a daily basis with my four kids. It only takes a moment to…

  • On Screen Dancing Cows

    I get asked pretty often about my take on e-books and whether or not I think traditional publishing is on it’s way out. Since I primarily write picture books, I haven’t been as worried about the shift in format. I just don’t see an app, as awesome as it may…

  • On A Bad Case of Stripes

    Today’s book is one that I have almost recommended several times. In each instance, there was one thing that stopped me…and that thing is the sheer terror that my 5-year-old experienced as a result of reading this book. She found the book quite worrying and even had trouble falling asleep…

  • On Mustache!

    Our culture has a strange obsession with facial hair. Mustaches are popping up everywhere! I’ve seen necklaces, erasers, even this somewhat disturbing pacifier…and it’s not just mustaches. I have friends who are growing out Grizzly Adams type beards with way too much enthusiasm, and then there’s this crazy bearded fellow…